The Jerry M. and Charlene B. Graham Christian Medical Foundation, Inc.

The Graham Christian Medical Christian Foundation (GCMF) partners with pastors, missionaries and Christian groups to meet the spiritual and physical needs of the Haitian people in Haiti and the Dominican Republic. God is calling us to join Him in the work He is doing with the Haitians and with our brothers and sisters in the Dominican Republic. We offer the people an opportunity to know Jesus. We also offer free medical, dental and eye care in the areas of Haiti that are most needy. We have recently partnered with First Missionary Baptist Church of Huntsville, AL to provide hygiene packs to the prisoners who are living in terrible conditions in Haiti. We are also providing funds to local pastors to provide hunger/nutrition packets to the local needy. We have also started local pharmacies in churches overseen by the local church and health worker. All care is given free. We usually have several medical mission trips a year and appreciate the help of all our volunteers. Please visit our webpages to see how God may be calling you to help this ministry to the Haitian people.

Look under MORE for recent pictures of the "It's All About Jesus" Pharmacy!
Graham Christian Medical Foundation (GCMF) loves to have volunteers to do lots of tasks that help our mission projects be successful. We are looking for volunteers who want to share the love of Jesus in all they do. Interested? Please fill out the contact information to find out how you can join us in the different mission projects that we support.

The Jerry M. and Charlene Graham Christian Medical Foundation was established as a 501(c) (3) tax exempt organization (EIN 63-1012630) in 1991. Dr. Jerry Graham has been leading medical mission teams to many different countries but in the last fifteen years he has been called to help the Haitian people in Haiti and in the Dominican Republic.

Our foundation
has supported

Graham Christian Medical Foundation
Located in Huntsville/Madison, Al
9668 Madison Blvd Suite 100
Madison, AL 35758

